The Brouwer Family

What do you love about Oakland Christian?
Evidently Christ-centered teaching, environment, and leadership. We love that the teachers and staff really love the Lord and want to help children learn how to love Him and others well. We love our son's teachers. The wonderful interaction we've had in communication with all the staff and teachers is so personal, honest, and eager to work with us to provide a wonderful learning environment for our student and family. The families are so friendly and friendships are built. We love going to chapel and seeing our student praise God along with his classmates.
Why choose Oakland Christian?
We prayerfully chose Oakland Christian for our student after looking at several Christian schools in the area. God used conversations with staff at OCS, and families considering our child's gifting and interests to lead us to choose to send our child to Oakland Christian. God has confirmed that choice for us since attending.
How has your child's faith grown at Oakland Christian?
Learning to lean on God in all circumstances. Learning ways we can worship Him in all aspects of our life. Our student didn't love to sing before and now loves to sing and worship God thanks to chapel songs he has learned to know well.
Describe Oakland Christian in one word.
Why consider enrolling at Oakland Christian School?
Pray about it. Definitely make a visit and see the environment for yourself. Talk to the teachers, staff, and families and ask the questions you have. Consider your child. Give Oakland Christian a try. You'll find a genuinely caring environment striving to be centered on Christ.
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