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Campus Life

We highly value the support and involvement that Oakland Christian parents provide our school. From chapel attendance to weekly prayer meetings, sports coaching, and the organization of our amazing Parent Teacher Fellowship, our parents make Oakland Christian School a family! 

Parent involvement at Oakland Christian school can go above and beyond Family Service Hours and be an opportunity for you to share the gifts God has given you with your child's teachers and peers. Please explore the opportunities we have available, and always feel free to share how you might see yourself serving at OCS. 

Parent Teacher Fellowship

The PTF is committed to supporting and upholding the mission and vision of Oakland Christian School by fostering close harmony and Christian fellowship between home and school; working closely together in accomplishing the objectives of our school.

To implement this philosophy we seek to:

1. Promote fellowship among teachers and parents

2. Create ideas that will encourage teachers, build morale, and involve parents

3. Educate and involve parents on issues that affect the school and child

4. Support and help as needed in the Family Service Hours program

5. Promote a source of funding for special non-budgeted items as available

For more information, please email

Join Our Parent Prayer Group

Every Friday morning during the school year at 8:05 am, our Parent Prayer Group gathers to pray for the students, staff, and families at Oakland Christian. Check-in at the front lobby kiosk when you arrive. Join weekly, or from time to time whenever you are available! 

Family Service Hours

There are so many ways for families to get involved and make a difference at  Oakland Christian School. Parental efforts support the energies of the faculty and staff and enable them to keep their focus on the quality of our educational program. Volunteering also gives your family a way to become more fully connected in the school community and helps your child see your commitment to quality education. Oakland Christian asks that each family contribute 20 service hours per year. For more information on opportunities for service and on recording your hours, click HERE.

Athletic Boosters

If you are interested in supporting athletics at Oakland Christian School, please email for more information!